Most Current Projects

So I’ve got a few things happening RIGHT NOW that I’m working on (caps is to distinguish from all my ideas or projects put on hold).

Still need 4 more squares, sew 'em all together, and add appliques ^_^

Still need 4 more squares, sew ’em all together, and add appliques ^_^

One project I’m anxious to finish is my baby blanket — no, not because I’m pregnant (cuz I’m not) but because I’ve been working on it since June 2012 >.< The finished blanket is going to be 4 x 5 squares — as you can see, I only have 4 x 4 so far. The purple squares are seed stitch and the blue ones are stockinette stitch.



Little Flowers Applique by Lisa van Klaveren on Ravelry

Little Flowers Applique by Lisa van Klaveren on Ravelry

I did just finish 8 crochet flowers that I will attach to the purple squares ^_^ yay for small accomplishments.

On the blue squares I’ll add felt bunny appliques (made by me using angora rabbit wool, a cookie cutter, and a felt needle). Those are going to be so soft!!!!



Sunflower merino being spun on my Ashford drop spindle

Sunflower merino being spun on my Ashford drop spindle

This is a bit of yarn I’m spinning on my top-whorl drop spindle. The fiber is merino and the coloring is called sunflower — a very pretty and whimsical name that I didn’t come up with.

I haven’t figured out if I want to ply it with itself, ply it with angora (once I spin some of that up too), or just keep it as a single.

Me with a Holland Lop (I believe)

Me with a Holland Lop (I believe)

My new obsession is … BUNNIES!!!! This is me at a local fair thing last weekend where they had a petting zoo. Feel free to ignore my dad’s finger in the corner ^_^ If I’m holding the bunny wrong please forgive me! It’s only my second time and there were few volunteers to look after a ton of people with animals.

There is a specific breed I’m looking into — Angora. Based on my reading and youtube watching, Angoras can make great pets as well as produce wool (7x warmer than sheep’s wool I’ve heard) for spinning or felting (Angora wool needle felts amazingly!). They can be litter box trained which is good. ^_^ Just thinking about them makes me giddy! I want one so bad, but I am doing my research and bunny stuff is expensive! Not really any one thing, but a bunch of little things really adds up to quite the expense. Still, I’m working on saving up and doing more reading until I feel ready to care for one.

That’s all for now, but I’ll be back with more projects!

Blog Update

So I’ve decided that this particular blog structure isn’t working for me… I feel too confined be having set days for specific topics. So I’m gonna switch it up a bit by posting whenever I wanna (still gonna try for 2 or 3 times a week). We’ll see if that works a little better. I hate feeling guilty if I miss a “post day” >.< and I’ve been missing more and more of them…

I’ll post a little later today and update you on my current projects ^_^

Laundry Bag 1 – Pattern

Again I missed my Efficacious Friday post… BUT my Hubby whisked me away to Newport all weekend for our 5th Anniversary ^_^

My laundry bag has seen better days… I think it’s time for a new one.

Too much over-stuffing... >.<

Too much over-stuffing… >.<

Since my bag still has a few panels intact (more or less) I can use those measurements.

Measuring & cutting piecesFor something like this (I don’t plan on making a million of these) I’m just using regular brown wrapping paper I got at the Dollar Tree for my pattern pieces. Luckily my bag is all rectangles ^_^ which makes my job a little easier!

folded piecesTo use my pattern in the future, I’d like to put it in an envelope. I lined up the bottom right corner of all my pieces and CAREFULLY folded them. 1st in half hamburger and then in half again hotdog. Now they’re all the same size when folded.

labeling piecesDO NOT FORGET TO LABEL!!!! Label each piece with what the pattern is for, how many times to cut that piece, other notes (like seam allowance), and it’s handy to include total number of pieces so you don’t lose any.

sp label piecesIt helps to add little bits of info directly onto the pattern pieces – I don’t know if I’ll actually write out sewing instructions for this so I want to make sure the pattern itself is clear.

laundry bag patternAnd there you have it! A pattern for a laundry bag. Stay tuned for instructions on making the actual bag ^_^!

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